




09.14.2002-12:21 am

Dear Ellen,

I hate you. Yes that�s right I hate you. I never use the word hate unless I mean it. And tonight Ellen I hate you. Since elementary school you have ruined my life. I remember meeting you for the first time in first grade. You were such a bitch to me. You stole my neon crayons. You called me names. You weren�t much prettier than I was let me tell you. You were fat. You called me names; you told my friends that I said stuff behind their backs. You made me hate you. But I got back at you. Remember when you opened up your lunch box in second grade and your box was filled with glue? Yeah Ellen that was me. I glued your food to your lunch box. I really hated you Ellen I was nice I couldn�t ever be mean to anyone but yet you always had to shove your foot into my face just to hurt me. You made me cry once. You pulled the chair out from under me while I was standing up on the desk to turn the lights out, I fell you remember that? You made me fall on the desk cutting open my insides. I bleed and I couldn�t go to the bathroom. It hurt so bad. I cried so hard inside but I wouldn�t tell anyone because you would have laughed at me and got everyone else to laugh at me. If I could see you now its been several years since I last saw you I would tell you flat out how I hate you and I would smack you across the face. But I wont ever see you again I will only have the memories you left me with. Thanks Ellen for giving me pain and scars.
