




11.21.2003-8:09 pm

**Attention** about to be gross!

So being pregnant isn�t all it seems to be any more, it something new every day. Lately it has been a nasty yeast infection. Its rather gross, especially because I keep it so clean and then this shit happens. Its vaginal discharge from the pregnancy, that causes the infection. I found underwear liners to do the trick. Did you know its possible to pass on a yeast infection to your spouse? I had no idea. The only way I found that out is because once it went away it came back when we made love. So we are taking it easy for a while.

On top of the yeast infection, vomiting. I hate throwing up! When you think the vomiting has stopped it hasn�t it only comes back full force and most times its at restaurants. The other night it happened at the international house of pancakes. I was eating pancakes eggs, and hash browns (which I have eaten before being pregnant and it hasn�t bothered me before) and along came the turning, and before I knew it I was in the bathroom. I hate it so much.

I�m at the halfway mark now. I�m in my fifth month it wont be long before I can feel those kicks. I�m excited.

About forty-three days till the wedding date.