




07.28.2003-5:22 am

It aggravates the hell out of me when I cannot sleep! I�ve been at the computer for the past hour because I cannot sleep. Its like my body is telling me its twelve in the afternoon time to get up and do something. And I know its not twelve in the afternoon unless the sun fell out of the sky� I HIGHLY DOUBT IT!

You know I had a fucked up dream Saturday night, I dreamt that my liver fell out. Isn�t that obscured? What could have honestly leaded up for me to dream about my liver falling out? I woke up and was like what the fuck? All I could think about is that something was hurting while I was sleeping and my mind possessed it to be my liver in my sleep. Even though it wasn�t my liver. Or it could have been the French fries I ate before I went to bed. So many resources none to go on.

�I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine, any time night or day, only trouble is gee wiz I�m dreaming my life away, I need you so� I can die I love you so. That is why whenever I want you all I have to do is dream.�