




07.17.2003-3:38 am

When I went to the nose doctor (4-3-2003) my nose really did hurt, he sprayed it with some stuff to open it up more and to numb it at the same time. It burned like a bitch. And you know whom the only person who actually cared or had some concern for me? It was Marlin. He listened to me whine and complained about it for hours and it was literally hours. You know even through my whining and complaining he took me out to dinner, you know we weren�t even dating yet! I was still with my ex! I knew then that there was something there, then again I had always know that there was something� I love him so much. He convinced me to give him a chance he told me he dissevered a chance. I didn�t want to give Marlin that chance because I had been prier to three work relationships in the past and working and dating just don�t work. But I said ok. I gave him a chance and I have never felt so much in love before in my life. Talking about it gives me shivers and tingles. I stick to my �Things happen for a reason� quote.

My Dearest Love...

How I find myself staring into your face,

Where every little detail is memorized.

To were I find myself lost in your smiling eyes.

To your sweet soft lips I adore kissing.

I find you most handsome then none other.

Your simple touch sends me on an endless run.

To the one who makes me whole,

My Dearest Love, I love you.

I love my Marlin so much. I miss him when he�s not near.