




07.16.2003-2:29 am

I put in for a transfer today. It was the right thing to do. I need out of the store I work in. It�s a store going down hill and I don�t want to be there when it hits rock bottom. Marlin talked to Alicia who is a manager at another store and she is going to see what she can do I like Alicia she is awesome I got to know her through Marlin and she is a great person. I�ll miss my store no doubt about it but to be able to go full time and become office staff is something I want so I will not complain and I will tell them all to go to hell (most of them any ways).

Its funny to see how some of the people who have read me from the beginning still read me its odd though to know that they followed me through my many changes of addresses. I know if I was reading someone and they changed their name what? Ten times? I wouldn�t want to keep up with them but thanks for my supporters out there and my non-supporters.

Good News! I�m PMSing� Bad News! It�s not PMSing.

Someone at work has it in for me I swear she does; you know she is your typical back stabber! The only way I�ll ever stab back is if you stab me first. And I�m working on a stab� or should I say I�m working on a blow? Because I�m going to blow you away!

I�m going to Florida!! I�m looking forward to it!

I wonder if I ever passed my twenty cents.