




02.20.2003-12:44 pm

I officially am over with Kroger. This morning I turned in my uniform, override card, safe key and name tag to Mr. B. I decided the stress wasn�t worth it. The past week and half have been terrible so after another long pissy day (yesterday) I made it over.

Last Wednesday, Ms. V and Mr. B found out that I was leaving Kroger for their competitor Publix. So at this point they then decide to see if they can do anything about why I am leaving. I was leaving them because I was only making 5.50 an hour. I had turned a letter before Christmas time to Ms. V. who then turned around and gave it to the zone manager, two and half months they hadn�t done a thing and now they wanted to see if they can help me out. They made excuses for why they couldn�t help me out. Example: You were a bagger to long. Honestly I was a bagger for less then two months and it wouldn�t have made a difference even if I had been a bagger for a week. I was hired as a bagger and I�d be lucky to be making 5.70 now.

Thursday I went in wearing my sweatshirt, no big deal right? I mean I have only been wearing the sweatshirt since Christmas Time. Well Mr. B decides I need to change shirts or put on a Kroger sweatshirt. I�m thinking well I don�t have another shirt because my purple shirt has a nasty stain on it that is unprofessional like. So he goes, what are you still doing here? I go, I don�t have another shirt, he goes bye then. I go; ok I�ll make it easier for you. At that point I handed over my override card and safe key and walked out. He met me at the door handed me my stuff and told me to take it to Ms. V. and tell her what I told him. I took it with ease and went upstairs. Ms. V was in a meeting with Mr. M and some new girl. I waited, and waited, Mr. B. met me upstairs and asked me why I didn�t have a shirt. I mean I had already made it clear to him why I didn�t have a shirt to begin with. So he walked away, got me a shirt, and said he would make sure I got my hours.

Friday I told Heather that it would be my last day because I would be starting Publix with in the following week. She wanted to kill me. But she made me put in a two weeks. I said ok, only because Heather had been there for me.

Wednesday, (Yesterday) I get a phone call around 12:30ish by Mr. B. �Your hours have changed.� Those were his exact words. I was like� uh. I was told to work 10-6 Thursday (today) and 3-11 Friday (I was supposed to work 5-1 both nights). And my hours for Saturday would remain the same. I was like� Why? He passed my question without an answer, I then go I�m in school Thursdays that�s why I work accounting Thursday nights. He goes oh well. He then goes well how about working 2:30-6:30? I go� well that cuts me out by four hours. First off, I didn�t get an explanation why my hours have changed. Second of all by union I believe you have to have to give you consent first before they can change your hours to make it ok with you. As I see it I had things to do already before I had to go to work and they fucked me over by saying what they did say. I see it this way; they want you to revolve around Kroger. They want you to live a life of Kroger and nothing more.

Thursday (today) I quit Krogers today. And I feel a hell of a lot better then I have been for the past several days. Kroger was stressing me out. And as far as I was seeing it, they tell me Publix will toss me around like a bag of cookies, I have been tossed like a bag of cookies by Kroger, and no more. And as far as I see it, kroger was playing dirty some where with in the past several days. Covering your asses wont work any more.