




12.11.2002-6:52 pm

Well my dad�s networking box crashed the other night, it has been trying to fail for the past several nights but it finally did it. So now I�m without DSL until we get the networking box fixed or get a new one. But knowing my dad he will either bring home a new one or go get one when he gets home. That is just how my dad is, but as you can tell this will not stop me from writing. I�ll just write offline until we can get me back up on the fast track.

I have also come to the conclusion that I haven�t been writing the way I should be lately. Its not that I don�t get out what I want to say but I don�t put it all out. I am short choppy and to the point. And that is exactly how I am not. I would like to classify myself as a writer. I write a lot I just don�t publish my works.

Saturday night resulted in a nights worth of work. I ended up working 2-10 customer care. Of course I was bored out of my mind. Heather and Jennifer worked with me too. Which resulted in a night of takeout, we ordered Chinese food from Mah Jong. The best Chinese restaurant in the state of Georgia� All-though I�m sure some people could beg to differ. But it really is good. They may be high in price but quality is what counts. Saturday night consisted of the same thing. Except I didn�t eat Chinese I ate taco bell, which was excellent for not having it in a while. And might I say that is the most beef I have eaten in a while. I just haven�t had the nerve to eat beef lately. Monday at work, I pulled something in my shoulder, had to go to the doctors. I got tendonitis in my shoulder. Hurts like a bitch. Kroger is paying the bill.