




11.13.2002-5:52 am

Slacking or Lacking, Slacking the writing, lacking the writing skills. Nah just lacking the effort to take time out of my *busy* schedule to type. Between school, work and managing a boy friend. It�s going great! I couldn�t ask for anything more� Oh wait, yes I could. I would enjoy someone tearing this cold from me. I�ve learned my lesson with colds; blow till your nose turns Rudolph red. Seriously, if you don�t want the �Cough Of Death� you should blow. I mean blow till your nose might even bleed. It will save you from weeks of weeks of coughing a lung up. How I shutter at the thought of that cough. Everyone knows what cough I�m talking about? The one you get from all your snot dripping down the back of your throat that gets all caught up in the lungs. Yeah that one!

So yes on Monday night I was floor supervisor. I was indeed the person in charge that night. I was extremely pissed off; our uscan person called in temporarily ill. ILL IN THE HEAD! So I was running the floor and uscan the night. I managed! We ended up closing uscan down an hour and half early, because our latest cashier was only there till 10 so I had to run a register for the rest of my shift. And I�m running the floor again, tonight. The feel of power between my fingers� Oh the insanity! I like power and the authority figure going for me. Damn I look good in Purple!