




10.28.2002-12:08 am

The Kroger called me at 7:30 this morning begging me to come in early. Well they didn�t beg me but I gave in to the temptation of coming home early. I was schedule to work 10-6. I got up showered in 5 minutes flat and found myself on a register at the Kroger at 8. Morris hadn�t shown up so I guess I was in his place for the day. Supposively he was arrested. Two people now from Kroger that have been arrested while I�ve been working there. Our eleven o clock cashier didn�t bother showing up either. I know where he is, he had close enough finish line tickets for the race today and that is where he was. Well I have one thing to say to you, DAMN YOU. No I don�t care that you had race tickets, but damn you for not coming in. That left Karol and me on a register all by our selves for four hours on a SUNDAY. We survived. Heather came in even though she wasn�t supposed to show she only came in because Forrester called her, Charlie showed up. Everyone got their breaks and I got to leave at 4.

It was horrible. It made the day go by faster. I hate this clock-changing thing it makes time go by slow. I kept looking at the clock finding myself wishing it were time to leave already. I�m exhausted now but I think it has to do with the fact I haven�t been feeling well. I�ve been feeling achy like. But if it�s a cold I�m gaining I�m going to conquer it and bring it down before it takes me out the back door and beats me severely with the wet towel. Ever get one of those colds? I do all the time. It drives me insane.

You know what I�ve decided. I enjoy not having someone attached to my hip any more. When I say attached to the hip I mean boyfriend wise. It tends to grow old those high school relationship things. I find myself enjoying the single life. No I don�t do the shopping around thing like I said I would do. I find myself doing things that I enjoy, which include school and work. I do get to hang out with my friends every once in a while. Oh wait� what friends? HAHA.

Personally I don�t know what I�m doing. Last night I hung out at borders with a certain someone. I�m not sure why I do it. I guess I can say he is my friend. But some of the things he does aren�t on a friendly bases type kind of thing. And the killer is he say�s to tell him no when he gets a little out of hand then when you say no he gets all offensive. I attract the entire weirdo�s it seems like. The killer is he�s going to read this and be like �what the hell?� and I�ll say, �It�s the truth.� And he�ll say, �whatever� sees I�m psychic. I know what people will say. But see I should know this; girls can�t have guy friends without the guy friend wanting something. Like the whole �I bought you lunch, shouldn�t I get a little something in return.� Yeah how about I smack you?

The one thing I like about myself is that I don�t give a fuck about what people think any more. I�ve learned to deal with it. Hey did I mention the other night Tiffany messaged my phone to see what I was up too and wanted to know if I wanted to go with her to pick up Liz? Yeah well it wasn�t very much of a long drive. We didn�t talk much either. It�s great to see her trying to make some effort. I don�t know what will become of the two of us. I just knew when she was speaking to Chris and was going to pick him up that it was my cue to leave. No big deal. He and I wont be getting along. And personally I just hope that what he and I have between us won�t interfere with Tiffany and I. That is just a fear I�m withholding.

As much as I want to believe Sean trying to become his old self and taking on new challenges into the friendships he has, it�s hard. He claimed in the past that he didn�t want to take the road he was taking but yet he continued down that path. Personally I shouldn�t care whether or not that he takes that path or how he uses his life or does to his life. But I guess he is my friend and I do care. I just don�t show it. I was being a bitch to him the other day just saying basically how I really don�t care what he does that he should do it for himself and not for others. I don�t know I�ve just that bitch attitude lately. Tough luck.

Anderson�s husband is in town. I�m glad for her sakes. I know how lonely and depressed she was getting. I wish he would stay put for her now.

Jaime is still Jaime. She needs to find herself; I don�t think she has done that yet. It would be great to see her find herself and who she is. She�s depressed I can see it in her. I want to tell her to find something for herself that makes her happy and do it. Even if it�s as simple as taking walks or riding a bike or even buying stuff. Sometimes doing stuff for you just helps.

Liz is still my savior. She I can tell anything too even if she does slip up and tell some other people but that�s Liz I trust Liz dearly.

I have class in the morning so I guess bed should be in ordered.