




10.02.2002-1:14 am

Today was all=right I was late for school so it seemed like but class didn�t start till 2 and I got there at exactly 2 so who knows. But it will not happen again I wont allow it. Class was boring I should have done my homework or attempted it but oh well I will tomorrow between the two hours I have.

Liz came home it was good to see her home again. I feel for her. She and I hung out we went to borders it�s a bookstore for those of you who don�t know. Tom worked; I was in his Stage Craft class in the 9th grade. He is so hot. I like him a lot he�s got such a great attitude. I think the only reason we hung out at borders for so long was because of him. He has a nice ass, I felt it, he felt mine we were the happy asses. But I�m tired and class is early G-Night.