




09.19.2002-4:07 am

Its amazingly how funny how stupid people can be sometimes. Let me just mention, you do not! I repeat, you do not have to be a complete and utter moron to learn the uscan. Simple rules to operate the uscan: If the uscan tells you to put an item in a bag put it in the bag! If it tells you to take it out of the bag, by god take it out of the bag! (What do I mean by that? FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS!), you can stare at the uscan screen all day long but in order to make it work, press the start here button. (Yes people will stare at it and ask, Why isn�t it working? Just press the button!) Parents of six billion kids don�t use uscan. Why? BECAUSE YOU YOUR GOD DAMN KIDS WANT TO SIT ON IT, TOUCH IT, MOLEST IT AND RAPE IT. It�s only for food. Not for kids to fuck with. (If I get one more kid who sits there and tells me. HOW MUCH DO I WEIGH! I�ll literally find a shotgun and shoot them). I am also not a mind reader or have excellent eye site. So if I say yes I need to see your ID. SHOW ME YOUR ID. Don�t stand there and hold it high in the air and say THANKS. (I don�t have time for games use some fucken intelligence.) I�m not customer care, I will not, and do not do returns, exchanges or any other multitask thing customer care happens to do. I am not a god damn escort business (yet any ways) and no do not ask if I will watch your groceries. Because by fucken god I�ll eat them! Or tell a bagger to get it out of my site. Oh and don�t apologize when you buy one item of groceries for .50 cents than come up to me and want to break a hundred. Because you know what? You�re NOT SORRY. When it asks you for cashier assistances look at your hands, and ask yourself this question �do I have an item in my hands that need to be placed in the bag?� and if that is a yes to that question then by fucken god put the FUCKEN ITEM IN THE FUCKEN BAG AND DON�T LOOK AT ME LIKE I�M STUPID YOU FUCKEN MORON. Last but not least for running or learning how to operate the uscan, DON�T BITCH AT THE USCAN CASIHER. I do not know why they do what they do in the store, so yes they did put the bread back with the milk, do I look like I know? Nope. The smart thing was to leave it where they had it in the first place, why? Because yes people do come in the store just for milk and bread but if they have to walk from bread to milk or vise versa they will pass by the meat department or the frozen food and find that they may need something else or see something they like. So yes KROGER IS A FUCKEN MORON OR SHOULD I SAY MARK FUCKEN DAVIS IS A FUCKEN MORON FOR NOT USING HIS FUCKEN BRAIN. I SERIOUSLY SHOULD BECOME A ZONE FUCKEN MANAGER BECAUSE. DAMN I WOULD BE GOOD. Ok I�m going back to bed

Yes I did wake up at 4 in the morning to type this for no apparent reason. I think it has to do with the fact that� its on my mind and all I hear in my sleep is put the item in the bag, please take the item out of the bag, please wait for cashier assistance. Yes I am a harsh person when it comes to running or operating the uscan. Because it doesn�t take an intelligent person to run it. If you can hear you�ll do wonders.