




08.18.2002-12:28 am

Pisces- morality drives you. Move on without regret. Rules still apply in the next world. (Which brings me to my entry)

So I have been contemplating to myself that my one night and one morning stand was a mistake. Or the fact that I was having regrets about it. But I soon realized fuck the regrets. Its nothing I did it I�m fine with it and I�m not as disappointed about it as some people are for the fact no protection was a use. But whatever I�ll never see him again or hear from him again and it�s just the way I like it.

I�ve also discovered that my trust for several people have fallen through the hole. People that I thought I could trust I have lost all my faith in. I don�t want to waist my time trying to fix it because this time its not my problem to fix if they want me to gain their trust back they are going to have to do a lot. Because one, I hate backstabbing, two I hate liars, three why?

And I can�t finish this entry� Hell I had to turn to an old friend the other night for answers. But she couldn't help me. Someone step forward and help me solve this puzzle