




07.16.2002-2:54 am

Pisces- you�re a trickster. You have a feel for this. Tall tales have the ring of accuracy. (In other words, WHAT THE FUCK?)

I�m feeling crummy today; I do believe I might be coming down with something. Either that or I just miss Sean, which could very well be it. And I�m sure that is it. And since I miss him so much and want to see him again the week is just dragging longer. Its only Monday and that�s the killer of it. It would be a different story if it were already Wednesday because it would be the middle of the week and soon enough it will be Sunday and I can see Sean again. I wonder if he misses me.

Lets see, I did a lot today for a Monday and the start of the week. I woke up early (my mom woke me up) had to take my sister to summer school, she happens to have to go because in Georgia we have that stupid Gateway tests that you take every four years (I think) and she failed three out of four because she got pulled out of class for reading and math so she never got a chance to learn science or social studies so who�s fault is that? So she has to suffer and go to summer school. After that I had to take my brother to the waffle house because he is supposed to work there, you know they are a bunch of jack asses there. So once we took him there and turn around and come home, we get a phone call its him saying we need to pick him up because the waffle house wants a photo id. When they told us in the first place all he needed was his social security card. Well when I got home it was about twenty after nine. I was supposed to work at 10 but I told my front-end manager that I might not be able to make it because my brother had this thing that would cut right in between my shift. Well it got fucked over so I called and told them I would come in. So I went to work, I meat the new boss lady. Lady seems like a nice person. Although all I can classify her as is Ms. 80�s. I�m blaming the hair on that one! I worked with Chris and he continued to proclaim that I was horny. I think I would know if I were horny or not. But yet he continued to say I was. So I went with it. He�s a good guy to play around with. We weren�t real busy or anything so I left at 2 (which was the time I was supposed to get off any ways.) After work picked up my sister from summer school. Than I went to Sandra�s house and we ended up going to Lenora Church Park and walked the 2-mile walking path. We have both decided that we are fat and need to loose weight. I liked walking it I�m going to try my best to keep up with it and walk it every day. Or do a lot of walking every day. The only problem I had with walking was I wore my old sneakers and they rubbed against my heel rubbing it raw and its all-painful and gross now. Afterwards we ran up to the Kroger to get some water since I merely forgot to pick some up before hand. And Forrester followed me around he said I worried him. Hmm� makes me wonder about him. I was so tired today. I was tired when I got up and I still am tired. Right after dinner I crashed in bed till twenty till 11. I�m tired now but I feel ill.