




06.27.2002-1:52 am

Work went pretty well I should say tonight. I have to say for the first time in a long time I�m enjoying my job. Yes that�s right my kroger friends/family I�m enjoying my job. So put away the goddamn rifles. Other than I�m completely exhausted from all the work I have been doing I�m enjoying my job.

For a while I�ve been ashamed of myself. And where I�m going with myself in life. Every time someone would ask me where am I going to college or something I would feel hurt or embarrassed. I have to admit for the past few years I haven�t done what was needed in order for me to actually go to a University or anything like that I just had so much going on in my life that I just didn�t want to deal with it. So I am no longer ashamed to admit that I am going to a Technical school for a semester possible a year. I just plan on taking my academic courses and a few psychology courses while I�m at it. But soon after I either plan to transfer to UGA or Northern Georgia. I like both schools. You know what though? I�m thinking out of state. I�ve got some friends who want me to go to Boston. And I just might or maybe somewhere else. If a good offer comes along I�m going to take it. For now I�m enjoying the free room and board.

Yesterday my sister and I went swimming we swam and swam I did 100 laps. I used to do laps all the time. When I lived in Florida that�s all I liked doing was going to my brother�s friends house Chris and go do laps in his pool or even at my grandma�s house. She�s got a big pool its not one of those funky shaped pools its just a rectangle with the deep end being 8 feet deep. You know how hard it is to find a pool that deep now a day down there. No matter where I go now it seems the pools are 5 feet deep. Your not supposed to dive in them but that sure as hell doesn�t stop me. I love diving.

I feel fat�