




06.26.2002-1:53 am

I had off today, I went to Borders with Tiffany and saw my friend Natalie, Tiffany doesn�t like her though, she wouldn�t let me talk to her so when she went to the bathroom I ventured over her way an chit chat with her for a while. Tiffany finally did the same. I told her it wouldn�t kill her.

Once again Heather thinks people WILL not respect me on the front end. I think she is full of shit. I know they will. I just know it. She just doesn�t realize that I do know these people better than she does. I spend every minute of my time on that front end. She doesn�t but oh well.

I�m wondering something; I think the other Sean at work has a crush on me� I don�t know but I could be wrong. Not only did I get a hug from him today but yet he took me on a tour of his home. And his dog tried ripping my leg off. His dog went at me and nipped at my leg, no one saw him nip they just saw him come. Now I have a nasty bloody black and blue mark on my thigh and its very, very painful. But I didn�t say anything I just got into my car and drove away and screamed the whole way home.