




05.30.2002-1:36 am

Right now I feel extremely bad at the moment. I did something that I wish I didn�t do. I found out from Tiffany that Liz claims she doesn�t like Eddie any more. And I thinking I�m doing the right thing go and tell Eddie this. He is so hurt right now I don�t know what to do. I though tit would help the situation but I think it have made the situation worse. I know if I were in Eddie�s shoes I would want my friends to tell me the truth. So Eddie decided to confront Liz about this situation of course she just pushed it aside more or less but I�m wondering if Eddie realizes that. I think he does in a way any ways. I�m sure Liz will let me know about this or something. In a way I feel as though this is my entire fault and in some way it happens to be somewhat all my fault. Eddie is down in the dumps and it is my entire fault because I told him, I told him what Tiffany told me.

I felt a stab in the heart today, nothing like seeing Tiffany and Matthew walk in Kroger while I�m working on Uscan. Sean said yesterday to Tiffany that she acts like she likes him, like really likes him and the fact that if she were to go out with her best friends ex-boyfriend would be bad. The thought of that happening scares the holy shit out of me. Every day I tell myself I�m over this that I have to move on or that I have move on but than I get thrown back into the pit and I�m back right where I started. Why can I not get over this bump in the road and move on? Is it a mountain that I am still climbing? If there really is a god out there, show me the way.

I�ve never realized how much I�ve asked god for things. And in some way he has granted them for me. I�ve just realized that I do rely on him. And I�m thankful for that. But please show me the way soon. I need to know soon enough.

FurorEdd: I guess the one thing I fear the most is there's no one else out there for me

KrogersGarbage: me too.

FurorEdd: I mean, you have Sean. Sure he's not Matt but at least you have someone. I have no one.

How can you not feel for him?