




05.10.2002-9:46 pm

The Song Lyric Answer


Are you male or


I don�t want to be no man�s woman; I have other work to get done. (Snead O�Conner) 


How do you look? 

Sometimes I dress in

black Sometimes I dress in white Sometimes I dress so wicked I give myself a

fright (Divinyls)


If you could say something flirtatious to someone, what would it


I close my eyes And see you before

me Think I would die If you were to ignore me A fool could see Just how much I adore

you I get down on my knees I'd do anything for you (Divinyls) 


Any words of


Sex is like a gun, you aim you shoot and you

run! (Aerosmith) 


Send a message to someone in your past: 

Growing in numbers, growing at speed, can�t fight the future, can�t fight what I see. People that come together. People that fall apart. No one can stop us now. Cause we are all made of stars. (Moby)


If you could say one thing to your first love, what would it be? 

Ah, I love to look into your big brown

eyes They talk to me and seem to hypnotize They say the things nobody dares to sayAnd I'm not about to let you fly

away (Aerosmith) 


What do you usually do for fun? 

I ride my bike, I

roller skate don't drive no car Don't go so fast, but I go pretty far For somebody who don't drive, I've been all around the world Some people say I done alright for a girl (Rasputina) 


What do you think about


I am overcome



What do you think about


I recommend biting off more than you can chew to anyone I certainly do I recommend sticking your foot in your mouth at anytime Feel free Throw it down (the caution blocks you from the wind) Hold it up (to the rays) You wait and see when the smoke clears (Alains



Any closing words? 

Time to say goodbye (Sarah Brightman)

p align="center">Another


What are your three favorite films?

Interview with the Vampire, 40 days 40 nights, Van Wilder

Which websites do you visit most often?

What are your three favorite magazines?

Rolling Stones, Twist (only interested in hair), seventeen

If you were a shade of lipstick, what would you be called?

Your death wish

Whom do you most admire?


What irritates you most?


What are your three favorite books?

The Loop, The Queen of Camelot & can't think of another

What is your favorite drug?


What is the most important thing in you medicine cabinet?


In what style is your room decorated?

Clothing Central.

Who is your favorite singer?

Celine Dion

What is your favorite flower?

Red Roses

Spring or autumn?


Morning or night?

Night Cause I'm more awake.

What is your greatest weakness?


What is your greatest strength?


Who is your favorite clothing designer?

Old Navy

If you could exhume any Hollywood actor/actress and go on a date with him,

who would that be?

David Duchovny

An ABC Survey 

A - Age:18

B - Best Friend: Tiffany and Matt

C - Choice of Meat: Steak

D - Dream Date: Noah Wyle

E- Exciting Adventure: Row boat

F -Favorite Food: Shrimp Cocktails

G- Greatest Accomplishment: Graduating soon

H- Happiest Day of your life: The day Matt said yes.

I - Interests: music, reading, writing

J- Joke: Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side

K- Kool-aid: The grape one... because it looked like moldy pool water

to me.

L - Loves: Books

M- Most Valued Possession: my necklace

N- Name: Lucas

O - Outfit You Love: My old navy black flower shirt with my kahkie


P - Pizza Toppings: cheese

Q - Question Asked To You the Most: What is that?

R- Response to said question: Not you.

S - Sport: foozball

T - Television Show: uh... been into movies lately but if I had to

decide it would most likely be buffy or six feet under.

U - Umbrella in the rain? NO way. water makes you grow... ill

V - Video: Ozzy Obournes Dreaming

W- Winter: Cold

X - x-rays recently? No

Y - there was no question for Y. Y not?

Z- Zodiac Sign: Pieces