




05.07.2002-7:13 pm

I do not understand people. I needed off this weekend for personal reasons some I would not like to mention. But no I didn�t get it off. I requested it off a while ago. And I re-requested it off again just to be sure I would get it off like two weeks ago. I still didn�t get it off. But I was up by USCAN today and Andrew was up there, he was talking with Anderson on how to rearrange his schedule so he will get off this weekend. I�m sorry if he can get if I should be able to get off. He didn�t even bother to request it off. No one appreciates my presences there any ways. Would they appreciate me after I�ve passed away? Every time I�ve stayed late I�ve never NEVER gotten a thank you from a manager� Just shows that I�m not welcomed at the place I work. Something bad is going to happen�