




09.17.2002-1:42 am

I don�t know why I had to explain my last entry but I did it because someone thought it was directed to him or her. It wasn�t and I�m sorry you found it to be but I fixed it so you didn�t see it that way. Everything is really worked out except I haven�t received an apology yet from someone else. And most likely I wont receive one either she isn�t the apologetic type. But you know I can�t help it. Everyone can�t like me. There will always be someone who doesn�t.

But I hate to admit this but I thought my last entry was done very well. I like the way I wrote it. It was exactly the way I am. And it is done exactly the way I write. That is how I write. I write like riddles. But they aren�t hard riddles I assure you of that. You�ve got to get me in a mood to write like that and by gosh I was in that mood last night. But I will admit my first paragraph is my favorite.

But once again don�t make me explain my entries. Yes I can understand why you asked and the way you went off on me. But please next time ask and I will tell you. Don�t jump on me again. I�m not a bed. I�m begging you not too. I love you; so don�t break me, because I�m just an old oak bed whose cracks are wide and waiting for the hit to send me crashing to the ground. Please don�t allow it to be you who send me crashing to the ground. There will be to many pieces for mending.