




04.17.2002-12:51 pm

Toda during English class I was sitting there in our little groups because we just got over finishing up group work. We didn�t choose these groups to work in the teacher choose them for us. I�m sitting with three people I wouldn�t socialize with on an average day. These people I suppose you would say are in an upper class than I am. Meaning they are looked upon as the group of popular. My teacher�s main reason for putting me with these people in order to keep them on track, because other wise they would sit there and yap. We had finished up this group work yesterday and today we were still sitting there because some of her other classes were still working in groups. So once again I was back in my group. Ms. Crawford my English teacher put up a journal topic about what we think alienation is. And I wrote exactly what I thought it was to me. Soon enough she wanted us to share for class participation points, which I needed some so in the end I ended up sharing. I said I feel alienated every day in school. Everyone seemed to get quiet. And soon enough she asked me to be more pacific and I told her� out of my four classes I have a day I feel alienated in three of them. And as soon as I finished there I knew than and there I wanted to write my senior paper on the affects of alienation towards students. If you think about it affects the lives of everyone but whom does it affect more? Students in society.

Out of weirdness today I was walking to go pick up Tiffany from her last class to go home. And Josh walks by me. I�ve always fancied Josh in many ways. He�s a good guy and cute. He happens to be in my English group he is one that wouldn�t associate with me at any time what so ever. But as I walking passed him he looked at me and said, �Hey Jennifer.� I was shocked.